Category Archives: Reflections

The Refresh Workshop

I can’t begin to express how excited I was to attend the Refresh Workshop this past November. I was jumpin’ for joy happy when I managed to snag a spot. A big thank you to the amazing hosts, Jennifer Moher and Hugh Whitaker, who welcomed us with open arms into their home and made us feel so comfortable with their positive auras and genuine zests for life. The adorable Erin Lester, Jen’s extremely talented second shooter, who I find endless amounts of inspiration from for lifestyle family sessions. Wyn Wiley, the guest speaker who is so outgoing and hilarious, specializing in senior portraits, and is absolutely killing it with his target audience. All together, this powerhouse of talent gave us so much valuable knowledge, insights, laughs and motivation throughout the day.

As I continue to practice, learn and grow as a photographer, I now have a great network of mentors and new industry friends to help inspire and support me along the way, which is so incredibly awesome! To learn from brilliant photographer’s like Jen, Hugh and Erin, who I consider to be some of the best in the business is a great honor. All of these souls are kind hearted individuals who truly are the epitome of awesome people and artists. They are genuinely interested in helping others flourish in business and life. After the workshop I felt more alive and confident about what I am doing with my life. They provided us with real world inspiration as well as the nitty gritty detailed advice to help run a successful business.

It’s so fun to spend the day listening and learning with other like minded people who all share in the same passion for photographs and documenting honest moments. In an overly saturated market full of some of the most creative people around, comparison can be a normal part of the creative cycle for entrepreneurs and can leave you doubting yourself, your abilities and your worth. My biggest take away from this workshop was truly appreciating the importance of community over competition. We can and should cheer each other on because community rises above competition. This experience has inspired me to create more meaningful work and run a kick-ass business for myself and others. Attending this workshop was definitely one of the best business decisions I’ve made yet. Make this workshop happen folks, you’ll be so glad you did and your creative muscles will be aching to push yourself to the next level.



Confidence Sessions | Niche Photography

Confidence Sessions are here!

Over the last few months I have been working on a photography project that I’ve found so much passion in and last week I finally shared some of the details on social media. Confidence Sessions started with the focus of wanting to make all women and expecting mamas build up more confidence and celebrate their inner beauty in an intimate way. In my eyes inner beauty doesn’t get nearly enough attention these days. social media has all of us women thinking we are not good enough in some way due to so many unrealistic body images that flood our news feed everyday. Now more then ever, we are pressured into feeling we are too big, too thin, too curvy or not curvy enough. We all have our own body and soul, that right there is something so very special. Something that should be celebrated. After saying all of this, I have been inspired to create more meaningful and emotional work through my art, in celebration of all of us women, of all shapes and sizes. As I continue build my woman’s portrait portfolio this project will be held very near and dear to me and I am so excited to pursue this new avenue.  I am also so thankful to all of you amazing ladies who have helped me build my own portfolio and confidence over the last few months so that I cold get comfortable as I enter into this new niche of my photography career.

I truly believe us women who empower other women are the changers of the world and make all the difference. There is already so much judgement and negativity around us. It’s our job to lift each other up and help each other strive to be confident and happy in our own skin and shoes, regardless of our body image, hair colour or weight. In my eyes – a confident women has the world in her hands. She is unstoppable and fierce when she needs to be. She walks a little taller and smiles a little bigger. This project based around women’s portraits is meant to do exactly that, build up your confidence and empower the wonderful woman you are. Book a confidence session for you, because you deserve it.


I encourage those of you who would like to join to contact me here (contact page) so we can start chatting about beautiful YOU.  I ask each woman to bring a number of outfits, shoes, accessories and their best smile to these sessions.

My first Confidence Sessions Marathon will be held at Dog House Studios in Napanee on December 12th. The confident sessions will be 1hr sessions for $150. If you would like to add professional make-up for an additional charge it will be $200. The beautiful and talented Erin Berry, owner/artisit of will be happy to enhance your true beauty the day of. I’m so excited to be collaborating with this kind and talented soul and I know we are going to have a fun day creating and laughing. I hope you’ll join us!

I am SO excited about this project for so many reasons, us women need each other.

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