Confidence Session | Kingston & Prince Edward County Photographer

Confidence Sessions

Why should you book a confidence session? Immense pressure is put on us women to look the certain way society deems beautiful. We tear ourselves down trying to live up to impossible standards. Only 4% of women around the world view themselves as beautiful, seriously?! Confidence Sessions were created to combat the tragic problem of poor body image in today’s society. That’s where ‘Bodfidence’ comes in. Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self. My goal is to open the eyes of women and help them see their beauty – both outside and inside of themselves, I want to give you some bodfidance. At a time we should be celebrating our bodies – we have learned to shame them. We need to break the cycle that society has pushed on us and stop comparing ourselves to everyone we see on social media. These sessions are for every girl who’s been made to believe she needs to change to fit society’s view of beautiful. Be you and don’t ever apologize for it. Their is body positivity movement happening all around us, women are finally realizing their beauty and gifts. We don’t need to fit society’s view of beautiful and we certainly don’t need society’s permission to love ourselves. Imagine a world where every woman learned to appreciate and love herself. That is the world we should want to raise daughters in. Let’s let your light shine because ladies, I’m honoured to be in your corner. ✨ 

Confidence Session by Niche Photography, Kingston & Prince Edward County Photographer

To see more of my latest images visit Niche Photography on instagram. Feel free to contact me via the contact page if you’re interested in joining our next Confidence Marathon.  

Prince Edward County Photographer | Sandbanks Engagement Session
The Discovery Centre | Wedding

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