Happy New Year from Niche Photography

“Always concentrate on how far you’ve come, rather than how far you have to go.”
I’m so happy to finally have my new logo and website LIVE! I also couldn’t be happier with the final details. A new year always comes with new excitement, new goals and this year a fresh look for Niche! Now that 2015 is here and I am in somewhat of a ‘down season’ I finally get to share what I have been working so hard on behind the scenes with everyone! I’ve been so back and fourth questioning “is my website ‘ready’ enough to share with the world?” I’ve come to realize a website will always be a continous work in progress.. so here it is in it’s first stages!
Along with my new branding and website, I have changed the structure of sharing client sessions. I will now be sharing a PASS gallery link of your photo sessions with you. This means your images will be shared electronically and will be easy to download and share with your friends and family in a quick, secure and convenient fashion. (See the previous blog post for more about that.)
A special thank you goes to the talented Ashley Foster at Fancy Designs (www.fancy-designs.net) for all her help creating a brand that I love and truly reflects me and my personal style. I had so much fun working with her throughout the process, find out more about her products and services on her website.

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

I wanted to include some reflections of 2014 and share a few of my favourite moments frozen behind my camera this year.
Most importantly..  thank you so much to all my clients and supporters; past, present and future.
I love that I have met so many wonderful people through this journey and been given the honour to document real love and real life. I was blessed to be able to document lots of beautiful familiar faces through out the last year (capturing families as they grow is something very dear to me) and I was even given the opportunity to meet lots of wonderful new faces too! 2015 brings an exciting new chapter for Niche and I am super excited to dive right in.  As I enter an exciting new phase of my photography career I truly can’t put into words how grateful I am to be where I am today and it’s because of all of you.
1. Shoot more personally, more everyday things that inspire and speak to me. – I want to remember to bring my camera with me more instead of only using it for my client sessions.
2. Connect and support more local small businesses.
3. Define my style as a photographer. I want to continue to be inspired and connected within the amazing photography community that surrounds me.
4. Shoot more themed sessions for fun! I plan to work on a few more fun personal projects just to grow.
Thank you for being here!

Caitlin + Jeff | Kingston Engagement Session
PASS - Photo Galleries

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